Losing your license due to an arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impact employment over the long term. You may already know that DUI laws in Texas impose high fines and possible jail time should you be convicted. Although very concerning, the consequences of your arrest could very well eliminate your chances at future employment.

Many public and private employers are justified in conducting criminal background checks on potential employees and contractors. They want to make sure that they are hiring people whom they can trust with customers and assets. A DUI conviction on your record will usually prevent you from getting hired. This reality highlights why many people fight these types of criminal charges.
Although you may agree that organizations want to avoid hiring thieves or violent criminals, a DUI still shows as a crime even if you did not harm anyone. The jobs that you may lose access to are not limited to driving occupations, like delivery persons. The presence of a DUI on your record can make these employers see you as a greater liability:
• School districts and colleges
• Financial services
• Health care
• Government agencies
• Law enforcement
A criminal record can also prevent you from obtaining professional and trade licenses. If you were thinking of joining the military, the DUI could block that opportunity as well.
The effects of a DUI can limit your ability to develop a career, and the risk extends to your current job. Your arrest could prompt your current employer to terminate your employment, especially if you are no longer able to drive to work.